Joy Davey

Fit40 in Feb

My Activity Tracking


My target 20 Hours

Flooded in

Kimberley wet season brings rain - that's a given. What most people don't realise is that it's the epitome of the phrase "When it rains, it pours!".
 The moon brings in the tide, which backs up the river where everything flows in, which floods the local town creating an island, and blocking us off from school and store.
 So, what does one do when the kids are stuck inside & you don't want to rely on screens? Get outside of course! We jumped on the trampoline without a hose; we made a race of pulling chest-high weeds; we painted eachother with mud ... which of course became a mud war.
 Getting a little active each day to stave off cancer doesn't have to be organized exercise. It's getting moving.  It's having a good laugh. It's lowering stress. It's educating the next generation.

Preparing for the Attack

What's better: all but 1 in a house being sick at the same time, or each one overlapping the previous near the end of their battle? This has been my life for the past 2 weeks: juggling 4 kids with fevers & coughs & sore throats & headaches & light aversions ... but not at the same time. No, no: they had to be waves, building on the back of the previous crash, watching the buildup & tumble down like the only surf comp I would never want to witness.
 So, getting out to exercise wasn't exactly a priority, but it also wasn't NOT a priority. Our bodies are attacked by entities every day: it is constantly fighting to maintain an equilibrium. And the best chance we can give it to succeed is preparation: even if that is, at best, the simplicity of some vitamin D, pure air, & H2O pumping through our system so that when the time comes we can allow ourselves time to rest, to sleep, to heal because the preparation was ample.
 And here I am on the other side of this battle: a little stronger; a little wiser; a little more ... prepared for next time. 

Slow & Steady

A teething baby in 40degree heat is no fun but he does perk up when we go outside in the breeze so today was a lot of 10kg-weightlifting broken up by pram-pushing through iron-rich gravel ... and not a lot of anything else!
 We can't get everything done everyday, so shifting focus on what's important means keeping your mind attuned to your overall goals and slowly chipping away at them.

Making Do

When you live an hour away from school, a house full of kids, and work from home, its hard to fit in time to get active outside.
 Monday, however is my housecleaning day so today I simply kicked it up a notch: if I was mopping, I was lunging; if I was hanging laundry, I was squeezing in squats; if I was filling the h2o bottles, I was running laps up and down the stairs, using them as weights.
 I was definitely tired by the end of it, but I got my heart rate up, calories burnt AND found all my chores finished in record time.

Training for the Future

45minutes to walk 3km might seem like a long time, but today I took the kids for a nature walk. We looked for bee hives, birds nests, & wild flowers, moved branches from the track, and problem solved on how to get the pram through boggy gravel, & brake-inducing rocks. Lots of opportunity for life-lessons such as "Nothing good ever came easy." and "It's the journey, not the destination." and "Many hands make light work", as well as general perseverance.
 Mostly though, if we can instill in our children a love of the outdoors, then keeping our minds and bodies strong for whatever may lay ahead is found to be a lot easier to maintain. 

Riding for Freedom

Managing to get dinner done for 8people by 5pm is not a common occurrence but today I felt motivated!
 The impending rain brought some shady cloud cover & breezy reprieve as I rode my bike across the rugged terrain of our property to the bore and back. My only company was a small herd of wild cattle with their young who raced off when they heard me singing along to my blaring tunes. 
 Oh what we miss when we stare only at our walls. 

Beginning with a bang

40C degree heat in the Kimberley is not very inspiring to get moving, unless of course you've got a Community pool! And with 4 kids that want to play, there's no time for laps, but no time for sitting still either.  I dragged them, I tossed them, I chased them, I raced them ... I definitely got my body just that little bit stronger on all levels. 

I’m moving for brilliant cancer research this February. Will you support me?

My father was taken by cancer last year: abrupt; advanced; incurable.

I'm willing to bet you or someone you know has dealt with cancer in some way, too.  It's everywhere. It seems inescapable.

Yet I believe there is hope.

That's why I’m taking part in ACRF’s new fundraising challenge Fit40 in Feb by moving for 40 minutes a day in February.

Each minute I move and each dollar I raise will go to backing brilliant research to advance to a world without cancer.

You can help me by donating today. Thanks for supporting brilliant cancer research.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jen & Dan Kottas

Miss you Joy and Lancho!


Steve And Steph



Nicole Heffer

Cancer sucks :-( You're awesome! Love ya chicky xx


Sandra Armstrong

You got this girl ❤️


Geoff Johns

Go Joy 😊


Shane Ferris

You are a star dancing Queen


Jo Daldy


Bron N Matty C

Good for you Joy! Well done


Ante (as In "let's Up The...!"



You're my hero!


Pam And Wolf

Keep on chogglin Joy


Nina Crook

Rather you than me kiddo! I nearly died just going back to aquarobics. Love ya 💋❣️Nina


Stéphanie Charpentier



Jenny And Reuben Smith

Good on you are an amazing mum and wife. Admire your determination for a great cause


Christie Duncan

You're still amazing!!